Kayla Brimlow’s clever hack for Google Classroom and Quick Key Courses:

Kayla had to administer and grade assessments at three different levels of accommodation, and keep the results data organized, while minimizing the time she spent shoveling data. She solved it using Quick Key’s Google Classroom roster integration and Quick Key’s customizable Courses feature, as she explains in this short video (100 seconds). This gives Kayla more time to teach and manage her classroom, rather than slog through grades.

About Kayla:

Kayla has been teaching 7th and 8th grade math for 5 years. She is a FUSE Fellow with the Highlander Institute in Rhode Island where she was the recipient of the Rhode Island Mathematics Teacher’s Association (RIMTA) Rookie of the Year 2017. She is passionate about building math confidence and about making learning engaging and memorable for students, using various practices and activities to reach all of them.

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